Valuation Office Maps

Some sources of local map data and reports can be a little harder to dig out but well worth the effort

The Valuation Office Survey of all property, both urban and rural, was undertaken between 1910 – 1915.

    • Referred to as the Modern Doomsday, it was instigated by the Liberal government of 1909 who saw that there was a need to address the social injustice of the priviledged few land and property owners in the country, reaping the benefits of increase in land prices through no capital investment on their part.
    • The survey would eventually lead to a tax being introduced based on the increase in land values over a given time.
    • The field books which accompanied the survey are of great value for the local historian because they contain details of the owners and occupiers, the property, rent paid and maybe even a liitle sketch.

The records can all be found at The National Archive and there is an excellent book ‘Maps for Local and Family History’ by Geraldine Beech and Rose Mitchell available on Google books, follow the link to read

[geo_mashup_map map_content=”global” height=250 width=350 zoom=14 radius_mi=10 auto_info_open=false]




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