The Territorial Force of British Army

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series British Military Forces

The Territorial Force of the British Army was created in 1908

It is an army of volunteers which supports the British Army and the idea of a volunteer force that can be called upon when the country is threatened has been in existence for hundreds of years. The militias, raised within communities, the barons providing ‘soldiers’  to fight. The idea of having a ‘reserve’ to call upon was an efficient way to ensure there were always people who could be brought together to fight.

 In 1908 the volunteer units were merged to form the Territorial Force.

Members of the Territorial Force were mobilised in the First World War and served alongside the regular army.

In 1920 the Territorial Force units were formed into the Territorial Army. The Territorial Army was mobilised again in the Second World War.

    • The old Volunteer Battalions which were consolidated in 1881 became Territorial Battalions.
    • The 1st and 2nd battalions were Regular Battalions, the 3rd were Militia and the rest were Territorials.

They were all pulled together under one badge with exceptions for the Regular Battalions where honours might have been awarded which the Territorial units were not entitled to.

We have a number of military cap badges from the Territorial Units,in our Intriguing cap badges collection, just put in ‘cap badges’  in our search box.

Territorial Force


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