Interactive Map of Isabella Bird Explorer

Maps of map makers and explorers are always fascinating to look at and the incredibly brave journeys that  Isabella Bird undertook in the mid C19th have been captured in an interactive map showing her exploration of China as she traveled up the Yangtze River Valley.

Interactive Map Following Isabella Bird’s Journey Along the Yangtze River Valley

The map is teamed up with the Ebook for a wholly digital experience.

What is great about this approach is that it takes a book written over a hundred years ago and makes it relevant and enjoyable all over again to a new audience.

It also reveals just how very brave and intrepid these explorers were because you can see the terrain on the map and you realize how isolated these places are, even now. The story of Isabella Bird is fascinating.

Interactive maps such as this can be created for your own family history. Our toolkit seeks to help family historians use readily available IT tools, to add a new dimension to how you explore your family history.