How the Higgs Boson Particle Was Found

Could not resist what is now just about on the cusp of being history, well it is the next day now. Officially Higgs Boson discovery is just about, well technically history, that is also part of the future, or at least we expect it will be. But let’s keep it simple and on this historic day The Independent has not let us down with an easy to use Infographic and a leader article we can all get briefed, clued-up and confound our friends.

So here is our pin of that Infographic and a few salient and pertinent resources for those eager to find out some more, as the event and the experiments took place at CERN that is where we will map this to. Congrats and much admiration to the fertile minds and hugely collaborative science community that made this happen. What a feat of project management and be the way a few pointers in and around CERN at the same time…

  • When did CERN start, it was post WWII war around 1948 when the ideas got discussed ,when the european core nations saw the need to collaborate, tragically ironic considering we had all b een at loggerheads, now Europe would decide to collaborate largely because of the Cold War dominance of both the US and Russia
  • “The CERN Convention, established in July 1953, was gradually ratified by the 12 founding Member States: Belgium, Denmark, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and Yugoslavia. On 29 September 1954, following ratification by France and Germany, the European Organization for Nuclear Research officially came into being. The provisional CERN was dissolved but the acronym remained.” from CERN.
  • Cern and the timeline of progress since its inception can be found here, great and easy resource to interact with.
  • Who need the Higgs Boson Bonus, We Got the Web: it was only in 1990, just about 22 years since we got the Web, all that Tim Berners Lee wanted to do was create a system for documentation at CERN, look what we got, like all science can be used for good and bad ut if we fight for open access, most of it will be good.
  • “In 1989, CERN scientist Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal to develop a distributed information system for the Laboratory. “Vague, but exciting”was the comment that his boss wrote on the cover, and with those words, gave the green light to an information revolution.” Lucky Tim didnt give-up hey folks! Find out what Tim is doing lately advising Uk Government on Open Access and here  some more on Tim’s work and inventions at CERN.
  • Tim’s full text of his original proposal for the WWW World Wide Web.