East Meon Place name origins…

Here is another snippet re Placenames for EAST MEON HAMPSIRE, mentioned in the Doomsday book and subsequently in various historic documents.

  1. You can look-up a simple source for Doomsday book place name reference using Doomsday Book  online
  2. Results are as follow ” Mene Kings land, Bishop of Winchester, 7 mills and a church (church is still there and the font from Henry de Blois a famous Bishop of Winchester)
  3. You can also get a nice facsimile of the Doomsday Book entry from a link on the page as well.
  4. The Old Hants Gazetteer for East Meon also gives some good records and references, some of the referenced maps these are derived from, can also be accessed as digital copies online.
  5. One of our particular projects of interest is the Meon Valley and hence we will be looking to cluster a collection of place names around this area and associated local family names with a specific connection of clusters that are noteworthy . Look out for future posts on that area and the Meon Valley project site that will follow.
  6. We are also preparing a series of posts on IFH on how tog et the most out of the Geonames database in conjunction with your own custom connections, more will follow…

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