THEME The Law and History
Educational Reform,State and School in C19th Britain
Prior to the Industrial Revolution the state played no role in the education of children. The Industrial Revolution however saw families forced into dense housing in the new industrial towns and gangs of untamed children roamed the streets, answerable to few, including the church and the government knew it had to intervene. The government thought…
Read MoreMarried Women’s Property Act 1870
Married Women’s Property Act 1870 was one of the most significant acts passed that changed how society and the courts perceived women.
Read MoreLeaders of the Enlightenment, in a nutshell
Who were the central thinkers and leaders of the period of the enlightenment…who together changed the way we and our societies and families that made those societies thought and organised our world. There would be backward steps but the genie of enlightenment was out of the box…
Read MoreJohn Locke Philosopher defends the right of the people to overthrow any ruler..
John Locke, a philosopher with a long-term impact. What was the role of this often over-looked british philosopher ins establishing the principles for democracy in the period of Enlightenment.
Read MoreAct of Settlement 1700-1701
The Act of Settlement in 1701, enshrined the exclusion of Catholics from the line of succession in England. It ensured the continuation of the House of Hanover.
Read MoreBill of Rights 1688 – 1 of 4 great historic documents…
Bill of Rights 1688. When King William III and Queen Mary II were offered the crown, it was accompanied by a Declaration that became the Bill of Rights. Link to the document itself.
Read MoreConstitutional Monarchy established in England 1688-1689
When does the constitutional basis of England’s Monarchy become established..
Read MoreWomen and children – Custody of Children Act 1839
Children no longer just the property of their father, Caroline Norton influences the first piece of feminist legislation protecting their rights to how a child should be cared for…
Read More‘Lunatics’ and the Poor Law Act 1834
Asylums had been operating in Britain for hundreds of years, the first recorded was the Bethlem Royal Hospital established in the C15th and were run as private charitable institutions. The whole business was a haphazard affair until the Madhouse Act of 1774 which established licensing and yearly inspections of asylums. Still little provision was made…
Read MoreBirth Marriage Death Registration Act 1836
The Birth, Marriage and Death Registration Act of 1836, introduced registration of these life events but contained no penalties for refusal to register. It established the General Register Office and divided the country into registration districts. It became effective from 1st July 1837 Find the earliest registration of a life event in your tree…
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