
George Duke of Clarence

Clarences had three children Edward Margaret and Richard
This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series House of York

George Duke of Clarence may have been the only legitimate heir in the House of York he married the Kingmaker’s daughter what happened to their children? Margaret of York, Edward Plantagenet and Richard of York were born to rank and privilege but how would their lives stand-up to the brutal times of the War of the Roses?

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Workhouse and Poor Law Data.

1908 children's act

What Poor Law and workhouse records can you use to add contextual colour to your family history? How can you find out more about the events that shaped our pauper ancestors. How many of your family were in the workhouse?

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Hampshire ‘Feet of Fines’

‘Feet of Fines’ documents for Hampshire date back to 1199 and give surnames and placenames of people living in Hampshire in the Medieval period. These are important resources for Hampshire History and help to build a picture of community and settlement…

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The Winton Doomsday

The city of Winchester was not included in the original Doomsday Book but was surveyed nearly a century later, the survey was called the Winton Doomsday

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