Intriguing Mapping
Holy Land Digital Atlas
The Holy Land digital atlas draws on many disciplines to curate the history of these ancient places. Much of the western worlds religious history and culture, stems from the history of the ancient Holy Lands. The lands of the three great world faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam blend and side step each other and the…
Read MoreMapping the London Blitz
Mapping the London Blitz is a great project which has used the collated and mapped all the census material of all the bombs dropped during the Blitz 1940 – 1941. It is a fascinating resource for family historians with a connection to WWII.
Read MoreHistoric County Borders UK
Great resource of UK County Border data, available to download. This is a super resource for those wanting to take their family history a step further
Read MoreValuation Office Maps
Another little goldmine of mapping data for the local historian are the Valuation Office Survey Maps
Read MoreMapping Poverty
The Booth Poverty Maps of C19th London offer up an enormous amount of information for the family historian
Read MoreNorfolk Old Tithe Enclosure and OS Maps
Norfolk old maps tithe, Enclosure and OS all available online and for free…great resources for family istory, genealogical and locally connected history projects…
Read MoreNorfolk NRO Record Office Catalogue Online
Norfolk record office, online catalogue search, get the most out of your visit build a short-list from the catalogue…
Read MoreWho were your ancestors neighbours?
Surprising connections can be made when you start mapping your family history
Read MoreBishops Waltham Origin Maps Names History
Bishops Waltham: a small market town has a rich story to tell from pre-Doomsday to Cromwell, Trafalger and much more, what intriguing connections might thishave for you and your project?
Read MoreEast Meon Place name origins…
Some easy steps to checking out the origins of placenames and how we plan to map them on existing online and modern maps… from the Doomsday book onwards….start your own etymological study related to your family history map and family names….
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