THEMES Artifacts, objects and documents
Great Presentation visual tools to communicate complex ideas and narrative in history
See this good example of just using google and images with simple captions to narrate a history project and projection of the future. Here is the challenge can looking at your history through the images of say a dozen objects attract new interest, communicate effectively, make new connections integrate with maps and timelines and with these new and intriguing connections can you gain some new insights? well worth a look tools tipsan technques to adapt for you and your history project.
Read MoreSalvador Dali and Edward James collaborated on two artworks together in West Sussex?
Mae west’s Lips, A Sofa, A Lobster Telephone known as the Aphrodisiac, West Sussex Dali Edwards and life in an english Country House, you have got to admit it is intriguing? Oh yes Edward the Prince of Whales, the Wellcome Foundation and just for good measure Somerset Maughan…oh what a tangled web the people and personalities spin throughout our history…
Read MoreThe London Low Life Map Collection. Explore the Seedier Life of London Through Maps….
Low Life London Map Collection, a great resource available at British Library
Read MoreAn Intriguing Map Maker John Tallis
Last map maker of the lavish and ornamental an important place in the history of cartography from the mid 19th century.
Read MoreHow to derive material from the Census to Enrich Your Family History
Use the historical census data to derive new material that will enrich your family history and hopefully, reveal new, hitherto unseen, intriguing connections
Read MoreMorgans Map of London Post the Great Fire 1682
William Morgan’s Map of London 1682 and 1676 were key social history documents, they reveal much more than where and how London was organised in the post Great Fire era and at the dawn of the Enlightenment why is this document important for anyone wanting to understand the later history of London and it’s population. A series of intriguing connections with marvellous maps that illustrate why the mapped and geospatial perspective is compelling and vital in researching your history project.
Read MoreThe Scream Auction at Sothebys becomes an Artefact on YouTube Forever?
Munch sale captured on YouTube, art history and business in the making, digital transience what will happen to our archives, the equal and opposing forces of clamour for open data and archives and the need to profit to fund invention creativity and innovation. How can you secure your future archives and can we achieve a better balance, inspired by a 12 minute YouTube Moment…
Read MoreThe protection of ideas yields new important collections: Steve Jobs Patent artefacts @ Smithosonian
Steve Jobs honoured with Smithsonian Patent exhibition, what is the significance and resonance with you and your history project….what were the historic origins of intellectual property, copyright and licensing designs, so much of industry still relies on this protection what will happen going forward in an open world where everyone has access to the same knowledge, the start of a series of articles….
Read MoreIs this where the ‘Lost Colony’ of Roanoke Island Virginia went?
New investigation of the Virginia Pars Map reveals some intriguing new evidence for the ‘Lost Colony’
Read MoreEvesham World Map c1400
Fascinating Evesham Map c1400
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