John Speed Genealogy and King James Bible
John Speed mapmaker was also an historian who wrote a postdeluvian genealogy to be inserted in the King James Bible
Read MoreShakespeares Quartos Digitised with full text search
Shakespeares Quartos in high resolution with searchable online text, precious artefacts at your fingertips so that you can virtually touch these priceless resources and harness them in your own historical research…a beacon of light in the field of digital history and humanities…led by the Bodleian Library quite inspiring
Read MoreSalvador Dali and Edward James collaborated on two artworks together in West Sussex?
Mae west’s Lips, A Sofa, A Lobster Telephone known as the Aphrodisiac, West Sussex Dali Edwards and life in an english Country House, you have got to admit it is intriguing? Oh yes Edward the Prince of Whales, the Wellcome Foundation and just for good measure Somerset Maughan…oh what a tangled web the people and personalities spin throughout our history…
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William Golding died in 1993 in Cornwall at his home.
Read MoreWilliam GOLDING Born 1911 Author of Lord of the Flies
William GOLDING Born in Cornwall
Read MoreEnlightenment Encyclopedie
Did this book have a greater impact than any other during the C18th? The Encyclopedie, the work of the Enlightenment ‘Thinkers’, was an incredibly influential tool in spreading the message and the values of the Enlightenment movement
Read More‘Warrior’ The Story of a Real War Horse
Read ‘Warrior’ by General Jack Seely, a truly amazing account of a real life war horse. A brilliant book
Read MoreDickens, Fry, Nightingale, Darwin, Wordsworth and Martineau. What are their intriguing connections?
Intriguing connections between famous people make us view historic times and events differently
Read MoreBirmingham Ebook Dictionary
If you have family history connections with Birmingham, then this dictionary, available through Project Gutenberg, will fascinate you
Read MoreMary Shelley author of ‘Frankenstein’ 1818
Mothers and daughters, how intriguing. Mary Shelley Author of Frankenstein but who was her famous feminist mother who was also ahead of her time? Find out more here and via our Intriguing People theme on Intriguing History a connected digital history project.
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