
Army Cyclist Corps Cap Badge

The Army Cycle Corps Cap Badge illustrates the great versatility of the bicycle in the C19th and C20th. Not only did the bicycle find it’s way onto the battlefields but it had a powerful impact on women’s rights as well. Quite an achievement for the humble bicycle

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Gallipoli Campaign 1915 – 1916

Taking position on the shore at Gallipoli

Every battle of WWI, reveals unimaginable horrors but the Gallipoli Campaign, is somehow more haunting, when the ill judged decisions taken by those in command are considered. Gallipoli forced Churchill out of office and established Turkey’s leader in the eyes of the world

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Great Migration of Canada 1815-1850

great canadian migration
This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Canadian Migration

The Great Canadian Migration took place between 1815 and 1850 but what caused this migration and what impact did it have? Many people will have family history or family tree connections with Canada, people who will have been part of founding the nation of Canada

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