This cap badge of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps was issued between 1918 and 1920 when it was re-named Queen Mary’s Army Auxiliary Corps.
- The history of the Women’s Army Corps can be found on the link along with a picture of the previous cap badge
- For any records that survive, link to The National Archive who have digitised the remains of water and fire damaged records following an air raid in 1940
For resources and sources connecting women in your family history to their military service visit Intriguing Family History, follow the links and suggested posts below
Posted in Theme Major Events, TIMELINE, THEME History of Organisations, 20th Century 1900-1999, Theme Intriguing People, History, THEMES Artifacts, objects and documents, UK, British Army, England, Military Memorabilia and Cap Badges, World War I, THEME Wars, battles and campaigns, Women, THEMES, LOCATION