Jane Austen Centre in Bath

For background on who was of note in the family of Jane Austen it is worth taking a look and if possible a visit to the Jane Austen Centre on Gay Street set in the beautiful architecture of Regency inspired Bath, it is a great place to visit, including the Baths and Pump Rooms tog et a feel for the places where the characters of Austen would have socialised…

For some background on family members, so you can investigate any intriguing cnnections to your history project take a look here, just a couple are mentioned here so youc an explore further if of interest, father Rev George Austen Rector, her mother was Cassandra Leigh, niece of Theophilus Leigh, a dry humorist, and for fifty years master of Balliol, Oxford, James Brydges, 1st Duke of Chandos was her mother’s uncle, Fanny Austen Knight Knatchball was her eldest neice, her father being Edward Austen, Janes brother, there are many more all with rich profiles and packed with information so why not take a look…


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Family members related to Jane Austen