ChronoZoom Project Big History Big Data

ChronoZoom is an academic research project, but it’s worthy of all our attention, it is early days but mapping the whole of earth’s history is a bold starting point oh yes and and how about the Cosmos?

Big History Big Data, resources have also come from Microsoft Research.  BUT it is OPEN SOURCE technology for the greater good…Significant development for anyone interested in the big picture of history and the very granular as you will see…

“In the spring of 2009, Roland Saekow decided to take the Big History course from Walter Alvarez at the University of California Berkeley. Walter had created a series of timeline handouts created with a number of different methodologies. Fascinated, Roland was inspired to dedicate his student project to the study of timelines and thus sparked the inception for the concept of ChronoZoom as a way to examine the concept of Big History.” Well done Roland Saekow what a timeline…

Here is a screen shot but you need to take a look and experiment with the interaction to get the drift here… So we will add a video snippet without audio so you can see why it’s worth exploring. Definitely interesting and intriguing, if you are interested there are some further videos from Microsoft Research you can take a look at and playa s well. An interesting glimpse at the future vision for history and navigating across intriguing connected events, got to be worth a few minutes of your time to scan a billion years of history…






Take a look at Microsoft Research Videos it’s all about intriguingly connected history…

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Link to the live demonstration project for ChronoZoom… and more information from the research blog

ChronoZoom Tutorial from Microsoft Research…
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Dont miss more Intriguing Resources for you and your History Project