Cemetry Records

Cemetery Records

Whilst not everyone’s idea of a great day out, cemeteries provide a wealth of fascinating information whether you are interested in family or social history.

    • A headstone can sometimes provide not just the name and age of the person who died but may also tell you a little bit about the person such as occupation or how they died.
    • If it is a family grave then family relationships may also be revealed.
    • A walk in a cemetery may also reveal insights into local history, in our local cemetery we have a group of children buried together, they died from an outbreak of scarlet fever in the village and all died within a few days of each other.
    • Another part of the cemetery is reserved for members of a travelling circus family!

Thanks to the hard work of a lot of people more and more lists are becoming available online to help you find the graves of  lost relatives.

Interment.net has an impressive collection which you can search for free

Findagrave.com is a slightly quirky site but full of interesting facts

For links to searching New Zealand cemeteries

To search Australian cemeteries

To explore American Cemeteries explore our American Cemeteries post
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