WW1 Remembrance Poetry Art and Hope
The Digital Archives of WW1 Poetry needs little introduction. Worthy of a reflective browse and full of deeply moving artefacts. When souls in the extremes of horrific wars raise themselves to such heights, in spite of all they face, it feels like the least we can do is to take inspiration from their art and…
Read MoreLondon Picture Map
The London Picture Map is a new website hosted by the London Metropolitan Archives to provide a digital resource of 250,000 images of London. Search by location and see what you can find out about where you work or live.
Read MorePost 1754 Marriage Registers
Post 1754 marriage registers following Hardwickes Act of the same year give a wealth of information for the family and local historian. Details of the bride and groom are obvious but who were the witnesses and what was their relationship to the couple?
Read MoreJohn Strype’s Survey of London 1720
John Strype undertook a new survey of London in 1720, following the Great Fire of London in 1666, when so much of the Tudor London recorded in Stowes survey of 1598 had been lost
Read MoreThe English Accent and Family History
What English accent did your ancestors speak with back in Elizabethan England? You might be surprised to learn that an American reciting Shakespeare is nearer to the mark than you or I.
Read MoreNew Data Register of the Anglo Boer War 1899-1902
The Anglo Boer War Register is a must for any family historian who has a sneaky suspicion that a member of their family served in the traumatic war 1899 – 1902.
Read MoreConstitutional Crisis People’s Budget 1909
What would cause a king to contemplate the end of the Monarchy and that his son might be the last King? When his Barons, the Lords would rise-up and revolt against the rule of democracy and seek to reinvent the will of the people via its commons from being fulfilled. Lloyd George and Winston Churchill would be the advocates for the poor and common man. Asquith would seek to calm the rage and the King would plead with the Lords to let the Bill pass but it would take two General Elections and never again would this unwritten convention be relied upon without statute to support it.
Read MoreScotland’s Valuation Rolls
The 1925 Valuation Rolls for Scotland have just been launched by Scotland’s People and are free to search.
Read MoreMedieval Soldiers List
Although the Medieval Muster roll resource has been around for about 5 years it is worth visiting again. Early surname data is hard to access and so this resource is an extremely useful collection of early surnames. Why useful to family historians? Well if you are lucky enough to find your surname or variation, then…
Read MoreC17th London Inhabitants
London Inhabitants in C17th. Wouldn’t it be great to find out who was walking these streets then. These lists can be found free online at British History Online and are a fascinating read. As data gets absorbed into the big genealogical search engines it’s nice to re-visit old sources.
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