Features 14 14th century

Medieval Markets and Fairs Gazetteer.

medieval markets and fairs

Medieval markets and fairs. Medieval markets and fairs made up the economy of Britain both before and after the Black Death. The world of the market then and now would be strikingly similar to today. The archives have revealed tax records that give some insight into how the market economy of Medieval Britain was directed…

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Medieval Leprosy

Medieval leprosy

Medieval leprosy was a complicated part of Medieval society. The idea of the leper as being a carrier of disease is too simplistic. The leper was a person who carried the outward mark of sin, whose purgatory on Earth would be rewarded in heaven.

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Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood

King Richard III Bosworth

Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood Plantagenet Roll of the Royal Blood, 3 Ways to Check your Plantagenet Heritage Are you one of the many or one of the few? Watching and reading the media during this amazing week, it seems as if ‘the world and his wife’ were related to Richard III and the…

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