
King Ine of Wessex 688-726

King Ine started British Law Code and ruled in Wessex, founding the stone church at Gastonbury Abbey and abdicating to go on a pilgrimage Rome, He did not expand his dominion of Wessex but he made other notable contributions and was committed to the early Christian Church.

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Henry III Plantagenet King 1207-1272

King Henry III Plantagenet
This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Plantagenet Monarchs

His father King John was not much of a role model, so how would his son inheriting at just 9 years of age cope? He started with guidance of great statesmen but would he be governed by their wise council? What would Henry III contribute to the development of a nation…

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King Stephen I of England 1135-1154

King Stephen

Stephen seized the Crown of England, but was always looking over his shoulder and battling with Empress Matilda dn Geoffrey of Anjou, only finally reaching a compromise that was to cost his son dealry just before his death…Henry de Blois is Kingmaker and swings between the parties as brother of Stephen did the family links count for so little, what an intriguing family…

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Intriguing Archives Records and Collections Introductions

We all find good resources and we all duplicate searching for them, why? In forthcoming versions we will be providing specific feeds and connections than you can register to subscribe to. Here is a start of our Archives and Collections. You can search by key words or browse and navigate via our links and menus,…

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Google Earth for Family History

Google Earth is free and downloadable, it is emebedded in this page but will only run and display, if it is installed on your PC. Here we are providing a demonstration sample similar to what we have used at the WDYTYA Live 2012 Show in London. You can download the files and click on the…

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Mapping Historical Weather

How did the weather affect historical events? Mapping historical weather is a novel way to explore family history or social history projects. The weather in the context of major historical news.

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