Herbert George Blondie Hasler 1914-1987 DSO OBE
Blondie Hasler credited with set-up of what became the SBS on the authority of Lord Louis Mountbatten.
Read MoreEverton Football Club 1878
Are you an Everton football fan and would like to know more of it’s histpory?
Read MoreFirst Football Association Match 1864
Exhibition Football Association Match 1864, the start of a great romance…..
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Founding of the Football Association 1863
Read MoreVictorian Football
Victorian football, the beginning of the great British football teams, made possible by the Factory Act of 1850 and a free Saturday afternoon.
Read MoreFactory Act 1850
Redefining the working day, the Factory Act 1850
Read MoreThe Factory Acts in C19th Britain
Factory Acts C19th, how did they impact on your family?
Read MoreEverton move to Anfield Rd 1884
Did you know Everton were originally at Anfield Rd?
Read MoreRepeal of Anti-emigration Laws 1825
Emigration to America and Canada after repeal of Anti-emigration Law 1825
Read MoreSir Robert Peel Prime Minister capitalised on his father’s success but what happened next?
Sir Robert Peel the Prime Minister who creates the Metropolitan Police helps emancipate Catholics in Britain to avoid the potential for civil war and repeals the repressive Corn Laws even when it mean’t division in his own ranks. He showed the ability to be pragrmatic, transition and change course on the big issues that mattered. The son of a wealthy industrialist whilst educated at the right schools and Oxford, he largely was still seen as an outsider amongst the old elite, the land-owners and aristocrats that had dominated the Commons and the Lords. But despite his wealthy background history gives us a glimpse of man that can make the right decisions even when it will be a more difficult path to follow. One in our series of profiles about British Prime Ministers linked to related articles, periods and historic themes.
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