Lord Nelsons Statue 1843
In 1843, a statue of Lord Nelson was erected in the newly developed Trafalgar Square. The Square had been completed two years earlier to sweep away the squalid courts and cook houses that gave it the name Porridge Island.
Read MoreHenry Charles Harrod 1849
In 1849, Henry Charles Harrod, a tea dealer of Eastcheap, takes over a grocery shop at 8 Brompton Road, London, that later becomes Harrods department store.
Read MoreBenjamin Disraeli 1874
Benjamin Disraeli becomes Prime Minister in February 1874.
Read MoreRepeal of the Navigation Acts 1850
The Repeal of the Navigation Acts by the British Parliament, on 26th June 1850, ends the restriction on foreign shipping, allowing US clipper ships to bring cargoes of China tea into British ports.
Read MoreHouses of Parliament Destroyed by fire 1834
On 16th October 1834, a group of workmen, working in the Houses of Parliament, were charged with burning two cartloads of old wooden tally sticks. This duty they duly discharged, using the furnaces in the basement of the House of Lords. As the day progressed the wooden floors and panelling became very hot but the…
Read MoreLondon Daily News 1850
The London Daily News is published on 21st January 1850. It is the first cheap newspaper to be produced on the streets of London and so news becomes more accessible to the working class and poor citizens of London. It is established by the architect Joseph Paxton and the paper’s first editor is Charles Dickens.
Read MoreSir Robert Walpole 1721
Sir Robert Walpole becomes Englands first Prime Minister in April 1721
Read MoreCholera District of Bermondsey 1849
Cholera outbreak London 1849
Read MoreMarshalsea Prison first mentioned in 1373
The Marshalsea debtors prison first records show it existing as early as 1373…Charles Dickens father was imprisoned there and this had a major impact on Dickens work.
Read MoreThe Marshalsea Prison 1842
Marshalsea Prison finally closes 1842
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