
Lancaster Maps

Lancaster old maps digitised and made available through Lancaster University, what a great resource for local and family historians

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Thomas Telford London to Holyhead Road

The debate over the high speed rail link between London and Birmingham, made us think about Thomas Telford, building a slightly controversial high speed road between London and Holyhead in 1819

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Educational Reform,State and School in C19th Britain

Prior to the Industrial Revolution the state played no role in the education of children. The Industrial Revolution however saw families forced into dense housing in the new industrial towns and gangs of untamed children roamed the streets, answerable to few, including the church and the government knew it had to intervene. The government thought…

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Mary Shelley author of ‘Frankenstein’ 1818

Mothers and daughters, how intriguing. Mary Shelley Author of Frankenstein but who was her famous feminist mother who was also ahead of her time? Find out more here and via our Intriguing People theme on Intriguing History a connected digital history project.

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