Visual Arts

Tailors and Family History

A plethora of tailors and dressmakers in our own family trees made us stop and think about the role of the tailor in the community and how they went about their everyday work and we will get to that but first Many in our families were tailors in Hampshire between Portsmouth and Hambledon. It just…

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Silk Weavers in your family?

The romance of silk weaving, it must have been incredible to produce such a thing of beauty out of the poverty stricken areas of East London. Do you have silk weavers in your family history?

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Photographs 1839

Louis Daguerre born in Seine-et-Oise if France in 1789, reveals to the world his process for making photographs, using a silver image on a copper plate. These images are known as daguerrotypes.

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Lord Nelsons Statue 1843

In 1843, a statue of Lord Nelson was erected in the newly developed Trafalgar Square. The Square had been completed two years earlier to sweep away the squalid courts and cook houses that gave it the name Porridge Island.

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