The 19th Hussars (Prince of Wales Own), are a Cavalry regiment who were raised in 1781 and took part in the Mahratta War in India in 1782.
- They were disbanded in 1821 but then raised again by the East India Dock Company and at this point were named the 19th Hussars.
- The East India Company were controlled to some extent by the Government of the day who restricted who they could recruit.
- In this case only men up to the height of 5′ 4″ were allowed to join and because of this earned themselves the nickname the ‘Dumpies’!
- They fought in the Anglo- Boer War in 1899, a good website to find out about there involvement can be found at AngloBoer This resource has lots of good data including some biographies and other links.
The cap badge with it’s rather fearsome elephant, made of white metal, has a scroll underneath inscribed with 19th P.W.O Hussars, in honour of their connection with India
After 1902 the design changed and the masterful elephant had to go……….
We are building a site of military cap badges at, to ‘house’ a magnificent collection of military cap badges, collected over fifty years. Other information about service badges and military units can be found there.
We are able to help people curate collections such as this, so that it can be shared with other enthusiasts. With links to Intriguing History the collection becomes dynamic as it connects across place and time.
Join us as we continue to develop the site, if you can help us to identify any of the badges that would be brilliant, there’s lots to do……….