Broadcast Your Event Live to Youtube Using Google+ Live

Events just got a lot easier to broadcast, that is if you have a Google+ Account. Recently GOONS (Guild of One Name Studies) used Livestream for Annual conference, just an example, now that can all be done within Google . Even the cynical and respected TechCrunch commented that this was very clever. But it is much more than that, if you are a group with a shared interest and it’s not so easy to all get together or means you can host an event and video conference around the live hangout more frequently then this tool will help communication, and make it fun and lively!

All very helpful for you, your group and your history project, oh yes and it is free too.

So here is the promotional video and the rest as they say is “HISTORY” all we need now is a Time Machine…


Here is the latest from Techcrunch Here is the  Google+ Help link for Hangouts Live

If you don’t already have a Google+ account you can just signup for using a free personal Google Gmail account. It Will be interesting how this handles across the UK provider networks and Google’s own server infrastructure with all the real time access that will be going through but lets all enjoy it. Very 21st century.