Posts by HLB
The Romantic Movement – It’s Role and Influence in C19th
How the Enlightenment gave way to the Romantic Movement, was this the point where art and science separated?
Read MoreVatican Secret Archives- 100 Documents on Public View
Fascinating documents from the Vatican Secret Archives, on display for the first time ever
Read MoreUrban Expansion & Slum Creation
The rapid evolution of urban societies left the poor on the extreme edge of survival. The need for social reform was never greater than during the mid C19th
Read MoreVisit the Streets of C18th London through the works of Rowlandson & Smith
Imagery is such an important tool to social and family historians as they build a picture of lives in the past. The work of C18th caricaturists and engravers such as Rowlandson and Smith can really help build the picture
Read MoreThe Disaster of the Second Fleet 1789
Any settlers of New South Wales from the second fleet, must have been a hardy lot to survive the appalling journey they endured. Just what went wrong?
Read MoreThe Golden Hind
The Golden Hind will be part of Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee flotilla down the Thames, what impact did Drakes voyage have on the nation just over 430 years ago?
Read MoreThe National Archives ‘Hack Day’
National Archive ‘hack day’, for web designers and developers, gather, exchange and think imaginatively about making use of National Archive documents
Read MoreOld English Place Names – How do they just disappear?
Where can you go to find places that seem to have just ‘disappeared’ from the maps of Great Britain?
Read MoreTruth and History
Data is not information and information is not knowledge, where does that leave amateur historians as the avalanche of data flows towards us?
Read MoreScott the Terra Nova Exhibition
Visit the Scott Polar Institute to see the most comprehensive exhibition of Scott’s ill fated Terra Nova expedition
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