What were the Marathas Wars?

The Marathas Wars were fought over a period of forty years in India as Britain sought to control it’s position in India as the European trading giant.

The Marathas were a hindu tribe whose power in India grew as the Moghal Empire started to fade.

    • By the time the British had become established in India, the Marathas controlled much of central india, Britain governed only a limited area and were  much more interested in keeping the neighbouring principalities as allies to increase trade.
    • Britain or we should say the East India Company wanted to control trade not grab land and it wanted to keep all other Western powers out.
    • To gain influence, Britain would offer military support to opposing Indian principalities. the East India Company would raise it’s own regiments and use them to buy influence and a promise of increased trade.
    • All went well until the Marathas, who were made up of five main families, decided to fight over who would become the next prime minister. Britain gave military support to one candidate, a battle was fought and the outcome inconclusive.

At this point the East India Company wanted to withdraw and not become embroiled further but unfortunately the opposing candidate went to the French for help.

    • This sent Britain into a panic, they were at war with France and most definitely did not want them to gain any power in India.
    • Britain fought the Marathas in the First War of Marathas, they ended up having to relinquish territory but Warren Hastings refused to ratify any such agreement and stepped up the war effort and in the end Britain was victorious.

We fell into two more wars with the Marathas in 1802 – 1803, and then again 1817 – 1818