Nightingale Nurse Training Schools Migrating Great Nursing Car Around the World
The Nightingale Nurse Training Schools, set-up under their namesake’s reputation (Florence Nightingale)for superior nursing skills knowledge and training the infrastructure to train a new generation of Nurses, who could spread the word of their great training and share their skills as the migrated across the world.
The training school was independent but linked to a hospital:
- The hospital matron had sole authority over the probationer nurses
- The training school provided a secure ‘home’ for the probationers, i.e a nurses home
- The teaching of probationers was by hospital staff, sisters and doctors
- The probationers were assessed by the sisters and matron
- The probationers were paid a basic wage during their training
- The probationer’s contract bound them, after their training, to accept a position in a hospital of the Fund’s choice and it was their policy to send out groups of trained nurses to spread the Nightingale system of training to other hospitals.
This is how and why Nightingale nurses trained in the UK started to spring up in positions not just in the UK but all over the world.
One of the earliest groups of Nightingale nurses, led by Lucy Osburn, went out to Australia, to work in the Sydney Hospital. The Health and Welfare of a Nation rested with individuals who pioneered the way as Florence did and then set out to change the world, thankfully for us, some of them succeed in doing so. Take a look at Social Change and Reform for more related articles on Intriguing history.
You can explore a list of names of nurses from the St Thomas’s Nursing School and where they went to work by connecting with the Florence Nightingale Museum in London