Intriguing Resources

Resources for you and your history project

Intriguing Resources

Intriguing Resources for Family Social Local and Special Interest Historians is a curated resource by and for anyone seeking new and improved resources and services to contribute to their history project.

We have concentrated on the areas where we have found the most significant gaps in availability:

  • Archives, collections and catalogues, supporting the historical themes we have adopted in our Intriguing History Project with the focus being specifically historic resources for family, local and special interest projects.
  • Mapping History: a curated collection of maps old and contemporary and the tools techniques and technology that can be harnessed to enhance your history project. These resources can be used on their own or integrated with our Intriguing Connections product, or sampled using our free Intriguing History Service.
  • IT for Your History Projects: tools, techniques, tips and solutions using the web and your PC/Mac to seek new and improved means of researching, analysing, storing, presenting, mapping and visualising historic data, records and media to support your history project and help you explore new directions and insights. Interactive and multimedia tools and techniques at your fingertips…
  • Multi-dimensional, analysis and data models for history projects:  garbage in and garbage out how can we classify, categorise and tag historic and geo-coded data to maximise the ease and productive research you can conduct with your data. From Maps to Timelines and other data visualisations and developing a model for history projects that will help the ease with which you can publish share and analyse your data.
  • Collaborative tools for history and educational projects: research and identification of products, tools and techniques, that are readily available on a standard pc/mac and enable small and larger groups of interested individuals to work together and where the sum of the parts is really greater than that of isolated individual endeavours.

It is easy to register for free email updates for Intriguing Resources, Intriguing History or Intriguing Connections,  Intriguing Family History, these keep you updated on the free content and premium additional services we are offering.

Why not register now and choose the options that suit you best and test drive Intriguing History our free service…