In 1840, Elizabeth Fry set up ‘The Institution of Nursing Sisters’.
- It was established to provide experienced, conscientious and Christian nurses for the sick. To raise the standards of the occupation of nursing.
- The immediate objective was to nurse and visit the sick and to comfort the afflicted.
- It was intended that the poor be visited and attended in their homes with the same kindness and care as is bestowed upon the wealthy.
- Florence Nightingale took a team of these nurses with her to the Crimea
An excellent resource for all sorts of archive material on nursing and midwifery, is the Welcome Library and Collection.
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Posted in London, Hospitals, THEME Wars, battles and campaigns, Leaders of Thought, THEMES, THEME Art, design, literature, media and Music, LOCATION, 19th Century 1800-1899, Health and Sanitation, Europe, Theme Major Events, UK, THEME History of Organisations, England, THEME Social reform and change, Crimea War, Theme Intriguing People