Building a C21st Photo Archive

Create a local or family history photo archive of the C21st that reflects the trivia of everyday life. Things that are often ignored because they seem so mundane and ordinary will be so valuable to future generations. Print and annotate your archives, carefully store away for someone to discover in the future.

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Great Presentation visual tools to communicate complex ideas and narrative in history

See this good example of just using google and images with simple captions to narrate a history project and projection of the future. Here is the challenge can looking at your history through the images of say a dozen objects attract new interest, communicate effectively, make new connections integrate with maps and timelines and with these new and intriguing connections can you gain some new insights? well worth a look tools tipsan technques to adapt for you and your history project.

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Intriguing Use of Facial Recognition Software. Who is that girl?

The great thing about new technology is not always about the technology itself, it’s also the applications that can be found for it. Facial recognition software, used to identify criminals, is going to be applied to historic portrait paintings. Who are the sitters for paintings such as Vermeer’s ‘Girl with The Pearl Earring’ or Leonardo’s…

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Broadcast Your Event Live to Youtube Using Google+ Live

So yep you heard you can multi-video call within Google+ for free , which costs on Skype but did you know you can host and stream your hangout live to Youtube too. It’s fresh out of beta and invite only, so now why not try it, see demo video herein and links for industry review and Google How to and give it a go

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The Scream Auction at Sothebys becomes an Artefact on YouTube Forever?

Munch sale captured on YouTube, art history and business in the making, digital transience what will happen to our archives, the equal and opposing forces of clamour for open data and archives and the need to profit to fund invention creativity and innovation. How can you secure your future archives and can we achieve a better balance, inspired by a 12 minute YouTube Moment…

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The protection of ideas yields new important collections: Steve Jobs Patent artefacts @ Smithosonian

Steve Jobs honoured with Smithsonian Patent exhibition, what is the significance and resonance with you and your history project….what were the historic origins of intellectual property, copyright and licensing designs, so much of industry still relies on this protection what will happen going forward in an open world where everyone has access to the same knowledge, the start of a series of articles….

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