Mapping the London Blitz
Mapping the London Blitz is a great project which has used the collated and mapped all the census material of all the bombs dropped during the Blitz 1940 – 1941. It is a fascinating resource for family historians with a connection to WWII.
Read MoreSmall Scale Time Lines
Small scale or local timelines are a super way of gathering masses of data and presenting it in a simple but informative way. Local timelines are also a good way for a whole community to get involved with a local history project.
Read MoreRed Cross POW Records
The Red Cross POW records are now digitized and available online to search. For many family historians these records complete the story of their ancestors who served in WWI.
Read MoreNew DNA Studies
A new study of European DNA has revealed a third population group that make up the DNA of modern Europeans.
Read MoreWW2 US Veterans on Ancestry
WW2 US Veterans and a Slidedeck presentation to help you get started researching your family members who took part in WW2
Read MoreWW1 Postcards
WW1 Postcards a rich resource and a visual opportunity, find out how to discover and use the 20K plus postcards on Europeana for the period 1914-1918 and muse over how you might dig-out what ephemera you might have in your loft or research boxes that might help you and others connect and make that next step n researching your project wehther for your family history social, local or special interest project. In the first year of the 100th centenary of WW1 will there ever be such an opportunity to explore and discover what happened and better understand those momentous events?
Read MoreOperation War Diary
Operation War Diary is a crowd sourced project to classify the WWI diaries of the British Army on the Western Front. A project involving the Imperial War Museum and the National Archive.
Read MoreResources for Research Pipe rolls of the Exchequor.
Sharing history resources. Sharing resources available for open access research and analysis in your history and humanities project is part of what we aim to do in conjunction with a Digital Gazetteer we are actively researching and developing as part of the Hampshire History Project. When we find a resource that maybe useful to others…
Read MoreWorkhouse and Poor Law Data.
What Poor Law and workhouse records can you use to add contextual colour to your family history? How can you find out more about the events that shaped our pauper ancestors. How many of your family were in the workhouse?
Read MoreMedieval Names 1450-1600
A look at a website drawing together a list of Medieval names, fascinating for the family historian
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