ChronoZoom Project Big History Big Data
History of the Universe, Earth History and Microsoft backed ChronoZoom intriguing history and IT for historians as good as it currently gets, take a look Videos and links…
Read MoreOpen Data for History in the Making…
Open Data, Linked Data accessible to all and able to be shared analysed and used by us all. Listen to short video from the excellent Nigel Shadbolt and you will soon see why this is relevant and important for anyone interested in history as well as jus…
Read MoreTim Berners Lee Video Open Linked Data TED Talk
What is ‘Linked Data’ why is open data relevant to anyone with an interest in history…listen to Tim Berners Lee web pioneer telling us all about it, tap into to some intriguingly linked resources and help change the world…
Read MoreHistoric Old and Antique Maps of Norfolk on new website
Norfolk Old and Intriguing Maps available online, more country resources for you and your history project…
Read MoreBell’s Telephone Archive
Those historically important telephone calls. What a lot we have to be grateful for to Alexander Graham Bell, see his work digitized by the Library of Congress
Read MoreThe University of Cambridge Digital Library
What a fantastic gift to us all, to be able to view some of the world’s most marvellous historic manuscript collections, from home, not something we would have thought possible a decade ago. Take a look at the University of Cambridge Digital Library
Read MoreC18th Studies Resource
This great site from University of Southampton, on C18th resources, deserves to be explored by family and social historians for the wealth of excellent links it provides
Read MoreGeo Spatial Digital Archive SE Asia
Another intriguing guide from Tufts University Library, this one for historic maps of SE Asia
Read MoreMichael Stern Hart inspired to seek truth and question authority
How History is made, The Guttenberg Founder Michael Stern Hart quoting George Bernard Shaw and why preserving digital archives matters to us all…
Read MoreE Reader brilliant resource for researching history topics…Kindle Sony whatever
Why my E Reader has converted me and how I have got on with this intriguing experiment.Lovin books and researching with my Kindle has been a great new experience. Find out why and how to get more IT help and views for your history project…
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