IT for Historians

Holy Land Digital Atlas

Digital atlas of the Holy Land

The Holy Land digital atlas draws on many disciplines to curate the history of these ancient places. Much of  the western worlds religious history and culture, stems from the history of the ancient Holy Lands. The lands of the three great world faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam blend and side step each other and the…

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Evolution of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle

Anglo Saxon chronicles

The Anglo Saxon Chronicles evolved over several hundred years to become the unique resource of early historical accounts we can access online today. Read them carefully and with related documents and sources across place and time and subject and you can make some intriguing connections to the areas of history that you are interested in, find out about their origin and access them online from here…you can read the translations studya nd interpret yourself, not just rely on the layers of opinion much of which is founded on these early sources.

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Research Notes Citate Curate and Collect

Do you want to use the best FREE tools for the job of managing saving curating collecting and organising lots of data and disparate resources? Whatever your history project, the net and some great tools are there to help you. Toss out the overwhelming …

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Shakespeares Quartos Digitised with full text search

Shakespeares works

Shakespeares Quartos in high resolution with searchable online text, precious artefacts at your fingertips so that you can virtually touch these priceless resources and harness them in your own historical research…a beacon of light in the field of digital history and humanities…led by the Bodleian Library quite inspiring

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