We started this quest as two lifelong friends looking for better resources to take forward our own history projects, that was all!
We searched for good technology to support our needs and ambitions, but it was difficult to find the right tools and so we decided to experiment and research and damn it build some ourselves !
It’s an on-going process and a work-in-progress…
Having spent years building our family trees, we realised that much of the source material was so diverse that it was difficult to curate within the ‘family tree’ format and yet, was central to our family history.
Organising and analysing this raft of complex and multimedia data had us scratching our heads, just what did we do with that postcard and it’s unknown recipient and address, in Grandma’s box or Uncle Bert’s trench maps and how could we collect, collate quality data, without being overwhelmed by millions of results on google, Bing etc
We added to that the history of the world, archive and collection material, wonderful maps and everything started to get really interesting, as our family trees began to be supplemented by resources and data from a multitude of disciplines.
We wanted so much more than just a collection of facts and records, we wanted an enriched history project
- We are not professional historians or academics, our backgrounds are in teaching and consultancy
- We do want to progress our personal, family, social and local history projects and want to help others to benefit and share in what we discover.
- We want to share the best resources, tools and solutions with people like ourselves, who are, passionate enthusiasts and who want to learn more about the history that is relevant and pertinent to their lives
- Mapping our history has opened up a world of new connections and insights into our own projects
We are excited by what we have to offer and would like to share it with you, so less about us and more about how we can help you and your history project.
If you would like to know more then here are some links for the next step:
Many thanks for taking some precious time to take a look
Amanda and Helen