Timeline of the 20th Century 1900 - 1999

Year | Event | Narrative |
1895-1902 | Conservative Government PM is Marquess of Salisbury Robert Gascoyne - Cecil | PM is Marquess of Salisbury Robert Gascoyne - Cecil |
1900 | The Khaki ElectionThe Khaki Election | The Khaki Election in which a Conservative Unionist government were confirmed in power. |
1900 | Labour Representation Committee | Created for the promotion of working class candidates for parliamentary seats and the establishment of an independent labour group in the House of Commons. |
1901 | Death of Queen Victoria | King Edward VII ascends the throne. |
1902 | Education Reform Act | Law and Society |
1902-1905 | Conservative government with PM Andrew Balfour | Government |
1903 | Joseph Chamberlain launched his campaign for tariff reform. | Government, law |
1904 | Entente Cordiale | The deterioration in relations between the European great powers led Britain and France to negotiate the Entente Cordiale. This was a settlement of disputes between the two powers in all parts of the world. |
1905 | Death of Dr Barnardo | He opened his first home in 1867 in Stepney London. Over 100,000 children entered them. |
1905-1908 | Liberal government with PM Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman | Government |
1908-1915 | Liberal government in lead-up to war with Herbert (HH) Asquith as PM | Government |
1909 | Constitutional Crisis People’s Budget 1909 Lloyd George's budget was being blocked by the House of Lords dominated by the Conservatives. The Lords were blocking true democracy as an unelected body opposing the will of the 'elected' House of Commons. It would take two General Elections and the death of the King but eventually the democratic principle would be upheld in the Parliament Act. | Government |
1909 | Bleriot flies the Channel | The Frenchman took off in his monoplane from Calais and 31 mins later crossed the English cliffs near Dover. |
1910 | King Edward VII died and George V, his eldest surviving son succeeds him. See Edwardian Period and Era 1901-1910and period and/or House of Windsor 1910 onwards | Monarchy |
1912 | Sinking of the Titanic | On her maiden voyage the largest ship afloat was steaming full speed ahead when she struck an iceberg and sank . 1513 people lost their lives. |
1912 | The Scott Antarctic Expedition arrive at the South Pole. | The British Antarctic Expedition under the command of Captain Robert Falcon Scott left England in 1910. They reached the Pole only to discover the Norwegian explorer Amundsen had got there a month earlier. The party perished on the return journey. |
1913 | Tragedy at the Derby | Supporters of Mrs Pankhurst's Women Social and Political Union campaigned for womens suffrage. One of them , Miss Davison threw herself in front of the King's horse at Tattenham Corner in the Derby and was killed. |
1914-1918 | WW1 World War I | War and conflict |
1915-1916 | Lib Government of Herbert Asquith relected | Government |
1916 | Ireland Home Rule and Easter Rising. | War and conflict |
1916-1922 | Liberal Government with reforming David Lloyd George as PM | Government |
1917 | Balfour Declaration Issued by British Government | Government and International Relations and Empire |
1919 | Paris Peace Conference 1919 after World War 1 setup to deal with post war peace making after the armistice had been called. The end of conflict was in sime ways just the beginning o the problems that would follow and be at least a contributing factor to the cause of WW2. | War and Conflict and Government |
1922 | Winston Churchill hosts 1st Cairo Conference and is working with Gertrude Bell and T E Lawrence. | International Relations and Government |
1922-1923 | Conservative government led by Andrew Bonar Law | Government |
1923-1924 | Conservative government led by Stanley Baldwin | Government |
1924-1929 | Conservative Government led by Stanley Baldwin | Government |
1924 Jan-Nov | Labour Government Ramsay MacDonald | Government |
1925 | General Strike | After 9 months of crisis the coal miners refused to accept a reduction in wages and came out on strike. The TUC ordered a sympathetic strike by railwaymen, transport workers and printers. It collapsed after 9 days. |
1929 | Collapse of the American stock market | The 'Great Slump' began in 1929 and then deepened for 3 - 4 years. In Britain it broke the second Labour government and in America it led to Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal. In Germany it led to Hitler. |
1929-1930s | Great Depression | Economy |
1929-1931 | Labour Government led by Ramsay MacDonald | Government |
1931-1935 | Labour Government led by Ramsay MacDonald | Government |
1935-1937 | ,strong>Conservative Government led Stanley Baldwin oversees the country through the Abdication Crisis and the new King George VI crowned. | Government |
1936 | King George V died, Edward VII proclaimed King but not crowned. There is an Abdication crisis as the King wishes to marry twice divorced American Mrs Simpson. His brother Duke of York becomes King. Edward VII (David) leaves country marries mistress and becomes Duke of Windsor. | Monarchy |
1936 | Nazi rally at Nuremberg | Vast and theatrically staged rallies were a feature of the Nazi party's rise and continued after Hitler was made Chancellor in 1933. |
1937-1939 | Neville Chamberlain Prime MinisterNeville Chamberlain | Government |
1938 | Chamberlain returned from Munich | Hitler began his invasions of his European neighbours. After Austrian came Czechoslovakia. France was bound by treaty to Czechoslovakia and Britain to France. War seemed inevitable but then Hitler agreed to meet Chamberlain who came away with a piece of paper signed by Hitler which he accepted as a 'No more War' pledge |
1939 | Outbreak of WWIII | |
1939-1940 | Conservative government: Neville Chamberlain 2nd brief term as Appeasement fails he resigns. | Government |
1940-1945 | Winston Churchill | Government |
1945 | VE Day | Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allies on the 7th May |
1945 | First atom bomb dropped | On the morning of 6th August a US aircraft dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima Japan. Nearly 200,000 people were killed and injured. |
1945-1951 | Labour Government led by Clement Attlee | Government |
1945 May-July | Winston Churchill | Government |
1951-1955 | Sir Winston Churchill | Government |
1955-1957 | Conservative Government led by Sir Anthony Eden | Government |
1956 | Suez Crisis (Tripartite Aggression) Britain is not supported by the US which prefers a peaceful solution. | War and Conflict and Government International Relations |
1957-1963 | Conservative Government: Harold Macmillan | Government |
1963-1964 | Sir Alec Douglas Home | Government |
1964-1970 | Labour Government Harold Wilson | Government |
1970-1974 | Conservative Government led by Edward Heath. Britain joins the European Economic Community. The industrial action and strife would lead to an enforced restriction on commercial organisations of no more than 3 consecutive days consumption of electricity per working week to conserve electricity, with exemptions for some essential services. | Government |
1974-1976 | Harold Wilson | Government |
1976-1979 | James Callaghan | Government |
1979-1990 | Margaret Thatcher | Government |
1990-1991 | Gulf War leads to toppling of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. | War and Conflict, International Relations, Governemnt |
1990-1997 | Conservative Government led by John Major | Government |
1997-2007 | New Labour Government led by Tony Blair | Government |
1998 | Irish Problems: Good Friday Agreement | War and Conflict Government International Affairs |
Empire of the last century was at its peak but how will it transform in the 20th Century?
Empire still dominates the beginning of this century but conditions for the labouring classes gets harder and harder in Europe, as countries swing between nationalism and empire.
The Boxer Rebellion is defeated and the Boer War ends. Russia and Japan squabble over Korea and Manchuria, in fact there are squabbles all over the world, a certain discontent amongst the nations as powerful leaders push hard against each other.
On the streets, people are demanding universal suffrage.In America and Britain workers are in dispute and strikes and unions become part of working life.
In Russia, strikes, peasant uprisings in many provinces, revolutionary movements among national minorities and rebellions in the armed forces are developing.
Queen Victoria dies and society in Britain changes as a result. The Edwardian Period begins and Edward VII ascends the throne.
Albert Einstein submits a paper in which he develops his argument for E=mc2 and the Wright brothers experiment with engine powered flight.
Electricity, automobiles and radio changes the world for everyone
Political norms are changing all over the world. Britain's Parliament Act makes it possible for the House of Commons to pass legislation without the approval of the House of Lords, revolutionizing British politics, the centre of power moves from the elite to the people. The Irish question is tackled, Britain's House of Commons passes "Home Rule", legislation designed to give a measure of self-government and dominion status to "Southern Ireland," what will eventually become the Irish Free State.
Country upon country declare war as Germans agree to defend their 'homeland' at all costs
World War I grips the world and all things change irrevocably. The map of the world changes.
America and other nations fall into depression, Russia faces it's greatest challenge at the hands of Lenin and Stalin. Women gain the vote in Britain and forge new employment opportunities for themselves.
Chancellor Hitler delivers his
"Proclamation to the German Nation" It begins: "More than fourteen years have passed since the unhappy day when the German people, blinded by promises from foes at home and abroad, lost touch with honor and freedom, thereby losing all."
- The world is once again thrown into turmoil, the war ends with a chaotic mess in it's wake. The iron curtain rises and a new war, a Cold War emerges, in which suspicion and cynicism mark political decisions.
- The race for space begins with the Russians and the Americans vying with each other for supremacy.
- The Israeli Palestinian problems becomes critical. Racial tensions mount in America.
- Music, art and literature change our culture. The swinging sixties throws life into a vortex of sexual and political revolution.
- The Vietnam War exposes America and television allows the conflict to spill out into our homes.
- Terrorism becomes a commonly used word in Britain as the Irish conflict brings acts of terror to British streets.
- Supersonic flight becomes possible with the production of the Concord aircraft.
- Problems in the Middle East threaten security around the world.
- Women finally get to vote
Berners Lee invents the world wide web and life is never the same again